Tens of thousands of thoughts in 24 hours.
One of the articles says that 70% is bad.
I would think the thoughts that run in my mind have a great impact on how I behave.
They make me who I am.
As I have about 15 minutes until Tuesday, whatever the number of thoughts I have left, I say that thoughts are what they are.
The positive and negative are just the colors we apply to thoughts.
Every thought we have can become positive or negative. It is under our control.
Better yet, let them all come. Welcome them. Let them stay for tea and cookies. And when they are ready, let them leave.
Unless you want them to stay. In that case, write them down.
As I meditate, I see thoughts as clouds. They are wonderous. They seem to be white, gray, or dark. They can cover the sky or be high up at the top.
They can all be beautiful if we are willing to seek that.
So let science or religion or whatever say what they like about thoughts. They’re entitled to speak their mind.
Thoughts are thoughts. We determine what they are. Welcome them all, at a nice distance.
And let them go unless they are important. If they are worth a keep, write them down.
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