So we reach the end of 2018. For me, it’s about 3 hours and a half, give or take. So what did I learn about this year? What big things has happened? Well, in no particular order… Da Little One Graduates from Kindergarten, Entering Elementary School It’s hard to believe that he finished two years […]

The struggle is real. Each time I get down to write a post, I already ask this question: “Can’t we do this another day?” My answer, after opening up WordPress and pressing add a new post and typing a quick title, was, “No.” I can’t give an inch to the things I want to get […]

It just gets better. Writing almost at the same time. I’m not only feeling tired but bloated too. All day, I fell to the vices in the morning. The exhaustion of the week working catches up and I fell asleep in the afternoon for a couple of hours. I simply stayed at home, away from […]

A little late. Bit by bit, it feels like the wheels are falling off. It’s so easy to do. I was thinking, for a few seconds, that I should write tomorrow. Tomorrow. It already arrived. So the best time to write is now, while tummy is filled, being quite sleepy. I’ll write now, thank you. […]

What can I do when I rise early and waste the minutes? Then it was time for me to go to the English institute. I had to attend a meeting related to that. The time goes quickly. I regret how I missed the opportunity to do the work when I was able. But life goes […]

Bringing Energy NBA players talk a lot about bringing energy to the game, their teammates. It helps with getting buckets, assists, going back on defense, and steals. Every play that doesn’t have the right energy changes momentum quickly, even catastrophically. It’s a good thing that it’s mostly contained within a single game. At my age, […]

WordPress’s Big Jump Before I start, I just want to say what a change WordPress has made with 5.0.2. more specifically 5.0. They eliminated a lot of options from the post and made it much more structured and minimal. I got confused for a few minutes, trying to figure it all out. My brain wishes […]