Eyes Twitching

That means I drank way too much coffee.

I know I did. It started in the afternoon, drinking about 3 cups.

When I got out of bed around 8 am, I went about, organizing stuff here and there. I washed the dishes.

I tried to get to work on my stuff. Unfortunately, my mind was too distracted in doing anything because I felt jetlagged. My sleeping hours were all over the place. I went from sleeping around 3 am to 11:30 pm.

The word stupid comes to mind when I’m not taking control of my time and actions. Some coffee was in order to remedy that.

Making Coffee

So I decided to make coffee for myself and Da Missus. When the coffee maker started to make the bubbly sounds, I knew it was finished. I went over, poured the first serving into the mug and drank the most potent cup. I refilled the coffee maker with more water and drank again.

And again.

I shared the third cup with Da Missus.

Then I thought I could go about writing at least a post. I had a new problem.

The jitters. My mind was firing at all cylinders and popping on the side. While typing wasn’t so bad, it was getting my thoughts in order to get my ideas down that was totally messing me up.

Going over the sentences again and again. Not so much pressure, but brain farts, and under my right eye, the muscles flickering like a light switch.

I wondered if I should even try to do something. And ultimately, I didn’t.

I would procrastinate this into the evening. And here I am.

My condition isn’t much better, but I’m out of excuses. One way or another, this post is going to be done. I feel like a little piece of crap.

Oh well, what can I learn from this?

Notes And Arrghs

  • I’m doing whatever I can to chuck the excuses.
  • I still have a lot of things I’m resisting.
  • I’m not sure if it’s due to the fear of failure or procrastination.
  • I know I hate being where I am now.
  • I mean, what words, actions will get me over to finally do the work?

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