From Within

More Stuff, More Problems

A lot of the times, we think the answer is coming from the outside.

We feel the other lawn, a new set of clothes, purchased software, more stuff will solve the problems we have in front of us.

What we end up with is more clutter and confusion.

Seeing Inside First

With new challenges, we must look within ourselves.

This would explain why having quiet time like meditation or reading a book or prayer can bring an idea that could lead to a solution.

Of course there’s no guarantees of where our answer will come from, but why must we go on a big quest to find the Holy Grail?

The first step in finding a solution, before the pen and paper, is silence the mind and heart and reach calmness.

A Walk in a Park

Take a step outside and go for a stroll.

On a sunny day or with a few clouds, with the air clean (it isn’t like that always in Seoul due to micro-dust and yellow dust), walk out with a pen and paper.

Walk at different speeds, fast or slow.

See your environment, take it in. Appreciate what is around you. When some idea fancies you, write it down. If you have your recorder or smartphone, record your ideas down.

The fresh air, the movement in your body will charge up your emotions. The blood is pumping. Energy is burning.

Henry David Thoreau, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Steve Jobs, walked distances and made essays, compositions, and devices that is known today.

In my case, I’ve had my long walks, though I should do this more often. And I agree that I’ve gotten some interesting thoughts that made me creative.


So many times, I’ve found reading would reveal things to me. The right book could unlock the bolts that have chained my mind.

The Bible had helped me at times when I felt troubled and weak. The War of Art explained how we can stopped in our tracks by the forces outside and in. The solution of beating such forces is to become a pro. Phychocybernetics explained how our limitations could be taken away through building new habits.

Reading feeds the mind information that can be used as tools to combat and solve issues.

And There’s More…

I didn’t include sketches, teaching, good conversations, websites, search engines, emailing, chatting, or going to a favorite place.

Yes, I have veered a bit and mention things like going out a bit. But these are close enough at hand.

We live in a great age or wonder and blunder. We can find our way quickly or slowly.

But start inside. Set a timer for 5 minutes.

Sit down, back and neck straight. See a point in front of you and stare.

After a few minutes, close your eyes.

Breathe into your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on your breath.

Beware of the environment, the comfort of your position.

Continue breathing deeply in and out until the time ends.

Start with that the first thing in the morning.

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