
Giving credit where it’s due, I got this from Prince Ea from his Facebook Fan Page.

He says that if you’re afraid to do something, you can trick your mind into doing it by doing a countdown from 5 to 1.

When you reach 1, you just go for it.Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Does it work? Well, on a humid Sunday afternoon, Da Missus and I decided to clean up the apartment. One of the tasks was to wipe off the dust on the top of the frames, vacuum, and steam the floor.

I was really not eager to vacuum the floor in the hot weather because I’ll be sweating like a pig. In my mind, I pushed back on the task.

But then with a big breath, I counted down.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Boom. I went outside to get the vacuum cleaner and go.

The resistance was minimal.

Then a tougher task: cleaning the bathroom.

Countdown again.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Boom. I was scrubbing the toilet. Ok, I won’t bore you with the details of cleaning the bathroom.

To be fair, I did do some meditation an hour before. That could’ve helped with me being the present moment with the chores.

But I did do the countdown. And I did do the work.

A combination of meditation and counting down? Possibly.

I think Prince Ea may have a point about the countdown. I’m going to use it a bit more in the days to come and write a future post on that.

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