Yeah, I don’t have much time.
I’m on the bus.
When I get back home, I may head to the church to hear and learn from the evening sermon and pray.
It’s great for me to re-energize spiritually. It leaves little for me to do anything else.
Sometimes a short deadline spurs the creativity. The brain thinks a little faster. Time sometimes slows down.
I’m almost home.
I’m smiling. I took the time to meditate for a few minutes.
I realize it’s actually good to limit the time and go after the things that are most important to me.
The vices are still an issue, but I think I can beat them if I just focus on the process for about an hour.
Demand yourself to limit the minutes. Do it early in the day. The time before your family wakes up is precious.
I have problems with sleeping early, but that seriously has to change.
Limit the time and options. A laser-like focus is needed for the most important things.
Writing Cyper is important. Drawing daily is important. Working on my online business is important.
I gotta get them done. What about you?
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