It’s Amazing How Many Thoughts Whizz Through Your Head

It’s amazing how many thoughts whiz through your head even when you get up.

It’s a wonder how I even get anything done with all that thinking.

Fortunately, I had made a plan to get into Cyper early in the day, along with two other things.

For about a week, I’ve been away.

Not surprisingly, my writing legs that atrophied quite a bit.

So I use a little of my willpower.

At the beginning of the day, no excuses, and simply go.

Too much thinking means nothing can get done.

I’ve been away from Cyper due to vacation prep and taking a trip out with the family. Around early August, the institute gave everyone 3 days off.

Those days when I would have written, I planned with Da Missus on where to go.

That process took several hours; our intention was to bring along the in-laws, but the schedule wouldn’t allow it.

For 2 days, we went with Da Boys north, close to the DMZ. We had a great time swimming and resting at a condo. We took time to swim in the valley and found some water where it came up to my neck!

Amazingly, I even found some coins. Yeah, I earned some money.

We had our squabbles as any family would have. But playing with Da Boys, being there for them was something I’ll treasure. Driving with Da Missus. Staying a spacious place. Sleeping whenever we wanted.

It felt like a dream.

The activity made me a little physically tired, but recharged me mentally and spiritually.

I knew the time was coming for me to write again daily.

I regret not announcing the time when I would disappear. It wasn’t a professional thing to do.

I wanted to make Cyper a much more serious platform, along with some other projects I have in mind.

I want to take back my early mornings. I’m starting to heed the advice of the articles I’ve read about ditching electronics an hour before bed.

I’m heeding the advice of avoiding late-night eating.

I’m heeding the advice of simplifying my day.

I’m heeding the advice of creating a morning routine where I’m hopefully getting everything I want done before my family gets up.

I’m heeding the advice of stretching as far as I can when I first wake up. And that advice was good. It was always good, but I forgot about it.

And one more thing.

I’m looking to fail 5 times a day.

No, no, no, I’m not looking to intentionally fail. I’m going to take more risks and not be afraid to mess up.

I’ve lived most of my life wondering if this thing I’m doing is going to be a waste of time.

I wasted time thinking this is a waste of time. It’s totally nuts.

So, if I have a goal in mind for August (and I have 3 and wrote them down), I’m going to go all out and get them done FIRST.

That’s it.

I’m also going to avoid some social media for a while. I’m still not clear on that, but I’m going to write them down for clarity.

More risks, more words plunked down. Create, create, create stuff that’ll be helpful to others and to myself.

Go for the win in all directions.

If I lose, learn from it and improve.

I think that vacation helped me come to this conclusion.

I think I can win big while losing and failing in flames.

One day at a time.


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