Pain Is Your Friend

I woke up at 8:00. I started my routine.

The only thing I didn’t do is exercise. The weather is rather hot and I’m hesitant for some reason.

I was determined to dabble. I thought about my outcome. I tried to take action on what I wanted to do. I didn’t try to see if I’m heading in the right direction since this is the first time for me to do such things.

It was all uncomfortable and difficult. This is the path I need to walk, so I’m walking it.

I don’t know exactly what is the best way to go. But I’ve been staying the course long enough and the things that are happening in my life is bringing enough pain for me to try something.


I did feel uncertainty while doing it. But I feel my future is at stake. My family’s future is at stake. And nobody is going to help me but me. I’m on the line to get these things done.

I am responsible. Hoo boy.

So where am I heading?

Life S.A.V.E.R.S.

I got this from Hal Elrod. It means

Silence, Affirmations, Visualizations, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing.

I’m trying to do this every morning. Not at the 5 am as he suggested. It’s been late in the morning around 10 am. I think I can sleep earlier around 11 pm and wake up at 6 am to do it.


A proven system by many who have been doing this. I haven’t done it wholeheartedly. But I’m desperate. I’m thinking about the long game. Maybe I’ll really fail big time. But better to fail than not try to the very end. I’ll try to get into this more as I progress. No link for now because I’m feeling so much embarrassment and shame.


It’s a course offered by Lisa Irby. It looked interesting and seemed like low-hanging fruit. I got it at a reasonable price, not at the one currently offered by Udemy. I’ll get to the end and really give it a go.

Reading for at least 15 Minutes a Day

It is what it is. I’ll read a book daily and feed my mind ideas and how to improve myself.

Get Enough Sleep

This is a big damn deal. I’m pushing to sleep 7 hours a night a day at a time. I can’t accomplish anything if I don’t get this in order and consistently.

Writing of a Rambling Fool

Why am I writing like this? Am I afraid of someone reading this junk?

I’m reminded yesterday of what I taught my students yesterday. Writing frees the mind. You put the thoughts into the paper and you can let it go.

I’m writing to let some things go. I’m writing to move forward on things that are imperative.

I see this pain as an opportunity to change for the better. To possibly help others be better.

Don’t Complain

I complained to someone last night and felt awful. She didn’t deserve to hear my crap.

Stop complaining. Start moving in a direction. Find out how that direction is going. If the course is wrong, change it and do it again.

Everything’s going to be alright. Really.

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