Being Sick Does That

I Ran Out of Time

I can’t think of anything else to say than I ran out of time.

I am conflicted since I wanted to do the work every single day. And yesterday, I ran into a brick wall.

But I am reminded that my health is a top priority and I went to sleep earlier than usual.

What happened next was interesting. I got up around 5:40, a lot earlier than usual. I was compelled to do the work. I really did not want to miss this chance.

I got the rest needed to get back on track. I doubled down. I caught up with my morning pages though I was not obligated to do so. No, I wanted this. I really wanted this. I wrote affirmations. I just sat and wrote. I kept writing until I got where I wanted to be.

Now I am doing a doubleheader in Cyper. The last time I did this was years ago, where I wrote three posts in a row. I cannot remember if those posts were any good, but I did them and caught up.

Back then, I had someone accountable to me. Now, I am accountable to me. It would have been nice to work with someone. At this stage, I am comfortable with my own skin. It seems, as I get older, the journey has fewer people involved. At least, it is for now.

I am compelled to write, draw, and make music for today. I woke up early enough to do so.

10 Benefits of Being Sick

  1. You do the important stuff
  2. You take care of you
  3. Health is a top priority!
  4. You may try to eat better.
  5. You drink a lot more liquids
  6. You take the things to feel physically better
  7. Gratitude kicks in and you are thankful with what you got
  8. You find there are some people that are really concerned about your physical condition
  9. You realize you are not immortal and you will someday die
  10. Memento mori.

Thinking about Money

Money is an issue for everyone, isn’t it?

Money don’t get everything it’s true, but it got something I can use

Barrett Strong – Money

Sure, the Beatles performed this song and some other girl, but I think this was the first guy and it doesn’t sound so bad.

I looked around for a way to see if an extra thousand dollars a month could be made.

This article was intriguing. 25 ways to make an extra thousand dollars. At the time of this post, it was the top link in Google.

The things that were interesting to me were freelance writing, graphic design, web development, audio transcription, helping people with computers, and later investing your money.

I think maybe audio transcription could be done within a month. Things like graphic design and web development could be done quickly if I grab clients.

All of these ideas are appealing because I can do them at home on my laptop.

In the next few posts, I will see how quickly I can get up and running in doing a side project to make an extra thousand dollars per month. I need that extra money for sure.

Process, process, process. Desperation is involved but I can hold the fort for now. See you soon. 🙂

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