Feeling Worse, Feeling Better

Taking a Beating

My body is feeling worse. I’m feeling it on parts of the right side of my body. My head hurts. My neck hurts more. And my stomach hurts after eating dinner.

What a perfect time to write today’s post. I already make my itsy bitty song. Did I just make up two words? No no, I figured the right spelling. Let us continue.

Going to Church

It was good to go to church and hear the first sermon of 2020. It was about the creation of the world. I also listened to it in my one-year Bible reading. Nice reinforcement.

I am reminded to pray. Pray whenever I can. Keeping communication with God a good thing. I am reminded to be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Ah, the Counselor. I need that, as well.

And read the Bible. God’s words. Yes, good things to do. I hope these steps can keep me on the right path.

Funny, I can’t make the connection with creation of the world and doing these three things. I am reminded that I am a flawed human being.

Sick, too.

Good Ol’ Grammarly

Grammarly is nice enough to show my inconsistencies in grammar. Currently, I have about eleven inconsistencies in my grammar. I am sure it will get much, much higher.

I am not going to listen to it at this time. I am discouraging myself from correcting the inconsistencies. I have a fun and horrible time doing that when I am at work.

I am going to continue the post.

Hey, do not misunderstand. I love Grammarly. I use it because it catches me from simple mistakes like spelling errors. In my stupidity, I forgot how to spell ‘inherit’. I spelled it ‘inheirit’. Alright, don’t fix that, don’t fix that. Leave the red underline alone…

I am not infallible. I am quite awful at finding my own mistakes, though I am quick to find others.

Anyways, if you are writing, Grammarly is recommended. It is not perfect, you still have to write, but it is a good tool to gauge your writing. I use it when I write.

Being Grateful and Fortunate

I appreciate the day today. I appreciate the time I spend with my family. Sundays are like that. It was a little nicer to spend the day with the little one.

After church service, we took the bus to go back to our neighborhood. The church is a little bit away from home.

We took the bus to McDonald’s and had lunch together. I got a Shanghai burger with fries and Coke. Da Little One had a Happy Meal with a bulgogi burger, fries, and Sprite.

He got two toys in the deal! An orange truck and a navy blue truck! How nice.

When we were walking back, we visited Lotte Mart and got down to Toys R’ Us. I admit I was happy that Toys R’ Us is still in Korea. We checked out the Toys. He got to play with the Nintendo Switch for a bit.

Then I started to feel really tired and dizzy. I wanted to stay a little longer, but it was getting a little to do that. I had to tell Joe we had to get home.

So, we went home. While Joe played a bit, I conked out for an hour.

Whoa. Five hundred sixty words. Before I go, Here are

10 Ideas to Figure Out Your Life

  1. Read Choose Yourself by James Altucher
  2. Read the Bible. Lots of lost people found their way with God’s Help
  3. Make a list of 10 things you like to do
  4. Make a list of 10 things you can do to help people
  5. Figure out the things you would love to do for free
  6. Put your smartphones, tablets, laptops away for a day
  7. Doodle on a notepad for an hour
  8. Take a trip somewhere and take photos
  9. Have a coffee at a coffee shop while reading a book
  10. Listen to Podcast like Side Hustle School

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