A New Start Every day is a new beginning. Treat the morning as something new, wondrous. Appreciate the morning with a prayer and thanks. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie The past needs to be left alone. It is done. It is gone. At best, the past teaches lessons that need to be learned today so that […]
Author: mackl
A Life of Panic
In December, I feel pangs of panic. I don’t know how things will go. And I fear for the worst. Like the sky is falling. Of course, it’s not falling. Things aren’t getting worse. But my thoughts are getting the better of me. The only way to get through this is to work at it, […]
If You Do This, Can’t Do That
I can only do so much in 24 hours. I can’t help not getting a certain amount of stuff done. That is a fact. And it sucks. Well, maybe it doesn’t suck. I colour up whatever I think a situation is. It’s the first day of November and I have several things on my mind. […]
You Gotta Start Somewhere
No pushing. No yelling. No nothing. Just creating. Be curious. Today as I looked at the eTextbook, I noticed that it was in Flash. It was annoying how I have to get the browser, any browser to allow this plugin to go. I know I know, Flash is on its way out. Apple did a […]
I remember a time I called the offices of Cyper the seats of subways and buses. I wrote them while I got to work. Those times of writing were productive and fun. But the growth stopped when I said the writing was enough. The infinite game. I heard this from the podcast, Impact Theory by […]
Using Pain as a Tool
I really don’t like pain. But I’ve reached a point where the pain is inevitable. It is what it is. I’ve trapped myself in a corner and now I have to find a way to get out. Potential harm to myself and others is a real possibility. So what am I doing about this? Intention. […]
Not Going to Plan
It didn’t work out exactly as I wanted, but I got much closer. That was encouraging. I got up at 5:00 am. That was possible because I actually went to bed around 10:30 pm. It’s my guess I went to bed at that time. It was due to a headache I had at the institute. […]
Pain Is Your Friend
I woke up at 8:00. I started my routine. The only thing I didn’t do is exercise. The weather is rather hot and I’m hesitant for some reason. I was determined to dabble. I thought about my outcome. I tried to take action on what I wanted to do. I didn’t try to see if […]
Always Creating and Learning
I’m trying to get back to making content. I’m also getting my kids into the act. The summer’s here and the time’s right for my kids to make stuff. Things they like every day. We eat too much content. We get a kick out of the entertainment in YouTube (big time), Facebook (big time but […]
Feeling Silly
I feel stupid. I don’t think I have anything of value when I write something. Whether it’s here at Cyper, my journal, whatever. SLAP! I just caught a mosquito. It had blood inside. (Incredible.) And there are more mosquitoes flying around. I’m certain of it. You should add Elementor into Cyper! My mind is all […]